for the Tin brothers
Before you close your eyes, do you see
the jungle parting?
Overhead a shotgun fires
through dense palm fronds
a flying fox falls
Before the bulldozers come, do you hear
pigs squealing, from dung
water hyacinths sprout
pigs on fire, yelping
fire, fire, growing wings
nesting in attap roofs
igniting homes where
you once played
Before it ends, will you remember
the girl across the dance floor
her unavailable smile
the lonely bow of a Tioman ferry
feet dangling, your slipper falls
a speck of black rubber
swallowed by the cresting swirl
2018-80 Years & Growing On
Part 1
It was necessary
For Father of the Tins
To move on
As Grandpa in HongJiao
Had wanted
To fix his marriage,
So he joined the elite Corp
Of 16 Young Men
Hand Picked by
T V Soong.
[…] helpfully, in her own way trying to understand my world. (The middle character 锡 or ‘xi’ is his generation’s family name, shared with his […]